Conditioners & Harrows

Track Conditioner
Our Track Conditioner keeps the track cushion conditioned to a precisely-controlled depth. The hydraulically-operated, rigid frame supports a number of vertically-oriented teeth, which are positioned to effectively condition the track cushion. The roller is the key to depth control. Surface leveling can also be used exclusively to seal the track before an anticipated rainfall. The teeth and roller combined cut down high spots and redistribute the cushion to low areas, leaving a uniform track surface throughout. Horsemen, all over the world, have utilized the track conditioner to ensure their runners are training on a consistent surface.

Track Harrow
A necessity for every track maintenance program is the Horsemen’s 3-Point Hitch Track Harrow. The four rows of staggered teeth and feathering bar will uniformly stir the track cushion to alleviate track cupping. Rather than dragging over hard spots that may develop, the 3-Point Hitch design allows for consistent depth control. The heavy–duty steel construction lasts indefinitely, while the 16”-long hardened steel teeth are easily adjustable to prolong use.

Diamond Harrow
Horsemen’s Track and Equipment, Inc. also offers Diamond Harrows in 12’, 14’, 16’ and 23’ models. These unique pieces include hydraulics in order to raise the teeth while going on and off the track. The 20” by 8” lift tires are configured to provide balanced steering on and off the track surface. The case-hardened bolt-on teeth are spaced 4” on staggered centers.

Harrow Video